Thursday, 7 June 2012

Scout Moor Wind Farm
Climate change and the potentially accelerating effects of carbon dioxide emission from  the combustion of fossil fuel are an important current topic.
The UK Government is committed to a policy of reducing the dependence on fossil fuels by increasing the proportion of renewable energy generation  to 15% by 2020.
Wind Farms are a key part of the renewable policy, they do, however, attract a lot of bad press  because of their adverse visual impact.
The study of Scout Moor Wind Farm is a portrayal of these machines and the people who maintain them. The aim is to rank them positively alongside other modern iconic structures.

    Below are selection of images created for my final year college photography course Mar 2012.


Thursday, 26 April 2012

Scout Moor Wind Farm

                                    Bad or Beautiful, wind turbines are either loved or hated.


 My current project is photographing turbines on the Scout Moor Wind Farm north of Rochdale